Uremic Solutes Database
Solute Details for Methionine-Enkephalin
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Base data
Name Methionine-Enkephalin
Molecular weight 555
Group Peptide
Class Middle molecule
Added 16.09.2009
Reference Pubmed: 12675874
Submitted by Vanholder
Reviewed by Abou Deif

Normal concentrations (CN)
DateMean (+/-SD) (low Range - high Range)nReferenceSubmitted byReviewed byNotes
22.07.1992 (?-18.30) ng/L10Elevated plasma levels of opioid pept...VanholderAbou Deif[10] [16]
Grand mean18.30 ng/L10

Uremic concentrations (CU)
DateMean (+/-SD) (low Range - high Range)nReferenceSubmitted byReviewed byNotes
22.07.199232.20 (?-75.50) ng/L22Elevated plasma levels of opioid pept...VanholderAbou Deif[12] [16]
Grand mean32.20 (?-75.50) ng/L22

Relative increase (CU/CN) 1.76 times higher than the average normal concentration.

Pathological associations
No clinical associations available.

10Only maximum range available, or detection limit used as maximum range.
12Average value represents median instead of mean.
16Excluded from analysis of variance for missing arithmetic mean, standard deviation or sample count.