Uremic Solutes Database
Solute Details for Myoinositol
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Base data
Name Myoinositol
Molecular weight 180
Group Polyol
Class Water-soluble
Added 16.09.2009
Reference Pubmed: 12675874
Submitted by Vanholder
Reviewed by Abou Deif

Normal concentrations (CN)
DateMean (+/-SD) (low Range - high Range)nReferenceSubmitted byReviewed byNotes
07.01.1984 (?-10.00) mg/L8Gas chromatographic--mass spectrometr...VanholderAbou Deif[10] [16]
Grand mean10.00 mg/L8

Uremic concentrations (CU)
DateMean (+/-SD) (low Range - high Range)nReferenceSubmitted byReviewed byNotes
07.01.198494.00 (+/-69.00) mg/L12Gas chromatographic--mass spectrometr...VanholderAbou Deif
24.03.199443.92 (+/-9.54) mg/L20Quantification of serum 1,5-anhydrogl...Abou DeifArgiles[2]
Grand mean62.70 (+/-42.92) (43.92-94.00) mg/L32
ANOVAF(1,30) = 6.73, p=0.01: Significant differences between group means.
DispersionL:43.92, M:62.70, H:94.00 : A - (Minimal scatter: High consistency.)

Relative increase (CU/CN) 6.27 times higher than the average normal concentration.

Pathological associations
27.11.1989Neurologic and CNSMyoinositol inhibits proliferation of...Uraemic polyneuropathy seemed to be caused by a defect in maintaining normal myelin due to accumulation of myoinositol.

2Units reported as mol/l transformed to g/l as C(g/l) = [C(mol/l) * molecular weight]
10Only maximum range available, or detection limit used as maximum range.
16Excluded from analysis of variance for missing arithmetic mean, standard deviation or sample count.