Uremic Solutes Database
Solute Details for Adrenomedullin
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Base data
Name Adrenomedullin
Molecular weight 5729
Group Peptide
Class Middle molecule
Added 16.09.2009
Reference Pubmed: 12675874
Submitted by Vanholder
Reviewed by Abou Deif

Normal concentrations (CN)
DateMean (+/-SD) (low Range - high Range)nReferenceSubmitted byReviewed byNotes
02.12.199413.20 (+/-4.60) ng/L17Plasma levels of adrenomedullin, a ne...VanholderAbou Deif
Grand mean13.20 (+/-4.60) ng/L17

Uremic concentrations (CU)
DateMean (+/-SD) (low Range - high Range)nReferenceSubmitted byReviewed byNotes
02.12.199441.80 (+/-19.70) ng/L29Plasma levels of adrenomedullin, a ne...VanholderAbou Deif
09.03.2000225.00 (+/-9.90) ng/L10Increased plasma adrenomedullin level...Abou DeifArgiles
Grand mean88.77 (+/-17.71) (41.80-225.00) ng/L39
ANOVAF(1,37) = 217.89, p=0.00: Significant differences between group means.
DispersionL:41.80, M:88.77, H:225.00 : B - (Medium scatter: Considerable degree of uncertainty.)

Relative increase (CU/CN) 6.73 times higher than the average normal concentration.

Pathological associations
12.08.1999CardiovascularBiological and clinical roles of adre...Increased Adrenomedullin in the circulating blood and cardiovascular tissues may counteract pathological deviation in the system that controls circulation and body fluid volume, acting against cardiovascular damage and disease.
09.03.2000CardiovascularIncreased plasma adrenomedullin level...Adrenomedullin may be involved in the pathophysiology of chronic hypotension in hemodialytic patients.
09.02.2006CardiovascularAdrenomedullin causes coronary vasodi...Adrenomedullin causes coronary vasodilation in humans, at least in part through an increase in NO production.
08.05.2006CardiovascularAdrenomedullin reflects cardiac dysfu...Mature Adrenomedullin plasma levels reflect cardiac dysfunction, excessive blood volume, and inflammation, resulting in a predictor of mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in hemodialysis patients with cardiovascular disease.

No notes.